A traffic stop for the suspicion of drunk driving can invoke a sense of fear and trepidation in a driver. Even if a person hasn’t been drinking, they may still feel those emotions. Knowing what to expect in one of these stops is important for everyone, partly because...
Drunk Driving
Are sobriety checkpoints legal in Texas?
A lot of drinking goes on around the winter holidays. There are family dinners, office parties, get-togethers with friends and fancy parties where everyone is dressed to the nines in their holiday finest. Police are aware, too. They know that while some people arrange...
How might you fight a DUI charge?
If you face DUI charges, it is important to remember that the legal system does not yet consider you guilty. The prosecution will need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you were guilty when the police stopped you and charged you. Many people forget this, and they...
Could you get a DUI the next morning?
Many people know that they shouldn’t go out drinking in the evening and then drive home. They’ll still be under the influence, so they need to get a ride, call a taxi or walk. They plan ahead to ensure that they don’t face DUI charges. But they never even consider the...
Can your own breath test get you out of a DUI?
You don’t want to be arrested on drunk driving charges, so you buy a breath test. If you’ve been drinking, before you turn on your car, you administer the test yourself. You just want to check and make sure that you’re under the legal limit if you had a glass of wine...
Can you sober up quickly before driving?
Drivers often know that they should not drive under the influence, but they’ve already been drinking and they feel that they don’t have any other choice. For instance, the driver may be at a friend’s house or at the bar, and it’s time to drive home. Rather than...
Can you refuse to take a field sobriety test?
Texas is stringent on DWIs. Even a first offense comes with harsh penalties. However, you also have rights, and it's crucial that you understand what is and isn't legally required during a traffic stop. Reasonable suspicion DWI checkpoints are illegal in Texas....
You don’t have to tell the police if you’ve had anything to drink
During traffic stops, police officers will often ask leading questions. They’re trying to get drivers to say the wrong thing and incriminate themselves. This is a very common practice, and it’s important for drivers to know both that it happens and that they don’t...
Underage drinking and driving in Texas
When it comes to drinking, anyone below 21 years is considered a minor in Texas. Any minor caught in possession of alcohol may pay up to a $500 fine, have their driver's license suspended for 30 to 180 days, be ordered to complete eight to 40 hours of community...
Do people actually know how intoxicated they are?
When people get pulled over for drunk driving, they sometimes express confusion and remorse. They will say that they didn’t even realize that they were over the legal limit and that they were too impaired to drive safely. They may seem very surprised while being...