Providing Experienced Criminal Defense

How might you fight a DUI charge?

On Behalf of | Oct 31, 2024 | Drunk Driving |

If you face DUI charges, it is important to remember that the legal system does not yet consider you guilty. The prosecution will need to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you were guilty when the police stopped you and charged you.

Many people forget this, and they just assume that there is no point even trying to contest the charge. Fighting a DUI charge is not going to be easy, nor is success guaranteed, but, once you understand the full scale of consequences you could face if you don’t and just accept the charges, you’ll see why it is worth considering. Here are some ways you might do this:

Contest the police procedures

Did the police comply with all aspects of the law before stopping you and after they had stopped you? For instance, did they have reasonable suspicion that you were breaking the law to legally stop you? If your arrest occurred at a DUI checkpoint – did they set it up correctly? A slight procedural error might be all you need to defeat the charges.

Question whether the test results were correct

Police tests for alcohol do not always produce accurate results, due to several factors, ranging from operator error to faulty equipment.

Question whether the police handled evidence correctly

The police and the labs they work with take a lot of blood and urine samples from people they suspect of drinking and driving or taking drugs and driving. If they do not label and store things properly, samples could get mixed up. 

Whatever the circumstances of your DUI arrest, it is wise to learn more about your defense options.